general FAQ’s

Do you take insurance?

We do not take insurance. This decision was made for a few reasons, and we would love to share the thought process behind this with you. Primarily, accepting insurance often dictates the type and frequency of care that a practitioner provides. We don’t want insurance having this type of influence over the way we serve our Abide practice members because our philosophy of wellness typically doesn’t align with the conventional healthcare model that influences many policies of insurance companies.

We do accept HSA and FSA as payment and we strive for full cost transparency and always want you to feel informed, and we welcome conversations to address any questions or concerns around finances.

Do I have access to dr. chelsea in-between appointments?

If you have a question that involves a 1-2 sentence answer, (i.e. a “yes” or “no” question) you are welcome to send a chat to the Front Desk through the client portal and it will be answered within business hours. Dr. Chelsea does her best to summarize recommendations within your session notes, but it is ultimately your responsibility to take detailed notes during your sessions to refer back to. If you have a question that requires more of a response than described above, you will need to book an additional appointment so that Dr. Chelsea can dedicate the time to review your file and situation and then answer your questions. Please only direct questions regarding your care through the client portal and avoid contacting Dr. Chelsea on social media or through email, as she prioritizes answering client portal messages and this is the quickest way to get an answer.

FAQ’s - Chiropractic care and acupuncture


Dr. Chelsea offers nervous system-focused chiropractic care to the whole family. She strongly believes that everyone can benefit from chiropractic care and loves to see practice members of all ages. She is a Webster Certified chiropractor, which is a technique specifically designed to support pregnant mothers throughout their pregnancy, and she also has several hours of training in a variety of other techniques that allows her to tailor treatment to the needs and comfort level of her patients.

Does dr. chelsea use any adjusting tools? I had a bad EXPERIENCE with traditional adjustments and don’t think I am ready to try them again.

Dr. Chelsea does use a variety of techniques, including instrument assisted adjustments and soft tissue manipulation. Her goal is always to meet you where you are at your comfort level and she takes an extensive history about your previous experiences with chiropractic care at your initial appointment.

Do you offer payment plans?

After your New Client Appointment and establishment of your treatment plan, we offer the option for heavily discounted care through our wellness memberships to make your treatment plan and consistent wellness care easy and affordable for the whole family.

What is functional Wellness?

Functional Wellness is an approach to health that is based on God-given physiology with a focus on identifying and addressing the root cause(s) of disease. The functional wellness model primarily utilizes conservative measures, nutraceuticals, and lifestyle modifications in an effort to support the body and resolve root causes with little to no adverse effects which are often present in more invasive medical treatments and practices.

What functional Wellness training does Dr. Chelsea have?

Dr. Chelsea is a Doctor of Chiropractic, which means she has hundreds of hours of education in human anatomy and physiology, with a heavy emphasis on the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system. Outside of that, she has taken multiple functional medicine-focused practitioner seminars through Apex Energetics Seminars, Gestalt Education, and Designs for Health. Her formal functional medicine training came through pursuing her Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) practitioner certification, which is recognized as the gold standard in functional medicine education.

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes, certain packages and appointment types offer payment plans to make the financial investment more accommodating. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns regarding your payments.

Does Dr. Chelsea recommend supplements?

Yes, supplements are often part of Dr. Chelsea’s treatment recommendations and we utilize a simple drop-ship online supplement dispensary for the majority of our recommendations.

Does Dr. Chelsea prescribe medications?

No, Doctors of Chiropractic do not prescribe any pharmaceuticals or medications. Dr. Chelsea is always happy to correspond with your prescribing physician, with your consent, to initiate a positive co-management relationship to provide the best care for you.

who is a good fit for functional Wellness with dr. chelsea?

Dr. Chelsea specializes in women’s health and hormonal support. This includes chronic illnesses such as autoimmunity, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, infertility, PCOS, Endometriosis, Postpartum fatigue, chronic migraines, adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue, PMS, menstrual cycle irregularities, digestive issues, menopause and perimenopause, and more. She also works with men and children over the age of 10. The best fit for working with Dr. Chelsea is an individual with a motivation to investigate the state of their health, and work towards longterm restoration of total body function and optimal physiology.

FAQ’s - Functional wellness